Friday, February 8, 2019

Where is the image of Christ in your behavior?

Desiderius Erasmus
If you walk in the spirit, where are the fruits of the spirit? where is love? where is joy? where is peace toward all? where patience, long suffering, goodness, kindness, compassion, faith, modesty, continence, and chastity? Where is the image of Christ in your behavior? You say, “I am not an adulterer, a thief, a blasphemer. I keep my vows.” What is that other than to say, “I am not as other men, extortioners, adulterers. I fast twice in the week.” The humble publican in Christ’s parable, I tell you, and again I tell you, is better than those who recount their good deeds. Paul says “there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not according to the flesh.” May you then in kindness correct the erring, teach the ignorant, raise the fallen, console the despondent, aid the toiling, relieve the needy. In a word, let all your possessions, all your concern, all your care be directed toward the imitation of Christ, who was not born for himself, lived not to himself, died not to himself, but for our sakes.

Desiderius Erasmus, Enchiridion militis Christiani 


The Handbook of a Christian Knight (Latin: Enchiridion militis Christiani), sometimes translated as The Manual of a Christian Knight, is a work written by Dutch scholar Erasmus of Rotterdam in 1503, and was first published in English in 1533 by William Tyndale.

1 comment:

emerge said...

Hello mate nice blogg