Saturday, October 19, 2019

Prayer for Justice with Charity

I found this prayer card today in my late father’s missal…

Prayer for Justice with Charity

Heavenly Father, Who has created all men according to Your own image and redeemed us all by the Blood of Your Divine Son, teach us how to live together as brothers, in dignity, justice, charity, and peace. May we afford to each other now the total measure of human rights guaranteed us by the law of our beloved land. But beyond that, graciously give us the vision to see clearly the full meaning of Your Command to love our neighbor as ourselves, and grant us the grace to observe this precept in our daily lives.


This is written on the back of the card…

The heart of the race question is moral and religious. It concerns the rights of man and our attitude toward our fellow man. . . .

For the welfare of our nation we call upon all to root out from their hearts bitterness and hatred. The tasks we face are indeed difficult. But hearts inspired by Christian love will surmount these difficulties.

Clearly, then, these problems are vital and urgent. May God give this nation the grace to meet the challenge it faces. For the sake of generations of future Americans, and indeed of all humanity, we cannot fail.

Statement of the American Bishops on Discrimination and the Christian Conscience, November 1958


Read Discrimination and the Christian Conscience in its entirety here:

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