Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Big Propaganda Party is a Menace to Democracy



A single party takes big propaganda action while the others cannot regroup or put into operation the necessary big apparatus because they lack money, people, or­ganization. From then on, we see such a party rise like a rocket, as Hitler's party did in Germany in 1932, or the Communist parties in France and Italy in 1945. This is clearly a menace to democracy; we are face to face with an overwhelmingly strong party that will capture the government. This party continues to grow stronger as it becomes richer and assumes more solid propa­ganda foundations. It definitely jeopardizes the democratic sys­tem, even if it has no dictatorial ambitions; for the other parties, incapable of regaining the mass of those 75 percent (more or less) undecided, are increasingly unable to use big propaganda.

Jacques Ellul, Propaganda (p. 218) 


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